
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm Baaaaaack!!

Whoa...what a month! April is more exhausting than the holidays. It all began in the last week of March with final planning touches on Eoin's 5th birthday party. When April 1st came it was like a whirlwind, that is when Stacey (my sister), Kassidy (my niece), and Jason (nephew) came from North Carolina for the festivities. Eoin and Kassidy are best friends but after a day of being together they fight like brother and sister. After the dust settles though they are back to being best friends again. I guess that is what it would be like to have twins seeing as though they are only 9 months apart. Hopefully Emmi and Jason will not follow suit.
April 3rd was my birthday, my 29th birthday to be exact. Oh deer this is my last year being a twenty-something, I feel like I should do something really awesome this year just haven't figured out what yet. Any suggestions? I woke up to a birthday breakfast with matching PJs for the whole fam, except my dad who loves spongebob so much that he had to wear those.

On that same day was Eoin's birthday party with his friends. We had it at "My Gym" and we all had so much fun, I felt like I was turning 5.

There are many many more pictures from Eoin's birthday party, if you would like to see them all let me know.

So on to the next day.. April 4th, Easter, my dad's 60th birthday. The day started out with a visit from the easter bunny and a little egg hunt. After that we chose to do something a little different this year and rent out a pavillion at a park. The weather was perfect, the company was great, the food was delicious. We flew kites, had a couple of games of kick ball, an easter egg hunt, and Eoin even got stuck beneath a garbage can lid.... He claims that he was walking by and the lid just fell off of the garbage can right on top of him. Nobody knew it until my mom was walking by and heard screaming coming from underneath the lid, he was stuck. I couldn't do anything else but laugh at this situation, I am still laughing out loud as I type this. Only Eoin. Again, there are many more pictures besides these.

Now on to April 5th...Eoin's real birthday, tired yet?
We decided to go have a picnic in the park for his birthday, and after that we had dinner and ice cream at Jackson's Ice Cream Parlor. We had lots of fun!

After this weekend we were beat. But we couldn't let it end there.
Grandpa (dad) took us to Red Reef Park in Boca, beautiful beach! What a great day, the breeze was blowing, sun was shining and best of all, Eoin and Kassidy were riding with grandpa. He got to experience first-hand a car ride with the 2 of them in the back seat fighting. Stacey, Jason, Emmi and I rode in my car behind them.

This picture is my favorite from the day, I glance up at the beach and I see my dad struggling with the wind trying to put up tents and umbrellas and chairs.

After the beach my dad had a special place in mind for dinner, so we went along with it not knowing that it was an additional 30 minute drive north from where we were. We finally arrived in West Palm Beach at
Jon Smith Subs.  Those people will never forget us.

We then departed to North Carolina for Jason's 2nd birthday. He had a party on a real live caboose it was so cool!

I think this blog post is neverending. You guys are probably wondering when it will be finished. Soon I promise!

When we came back from NC Ryan's mom Wendy was here to greet us all the way from Ticonderoga, NY and guess what....She took us to Disney World!

Emmi LOVED her first visit with the characters. She should be a Disney poster child.

Ok and that brings us to the present time. We had so much fun these past couple of weeks, I would say that I wish life was like this all the time buuuuttttt.....I wouldn't be telling the truth. I was/am so exhausted from this whirlwind. Give me a week, or better yet a year and I'll be ready to do it all over again.

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