
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beef Stroganoff

by Ryan

For those that do not know, the actual purpose of my stay in the north country is to spend time with my mother, Wendy who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is undergoing radiation therapy for 33 days. After radiation, she will be doing chemo treatments until May 3rd (a day before her birthday). We all feel that an ideal birthday present will be to not have to go through this anymore. She is doing very well considering the circumstances.

It is great spending time with family. I had a chance to visit with my grandparents, Peg and Elliott, as well as my lil cuz Liam. Enjoy the pics!

Seeing this truck on the road really made me feel at home.

The best way to drink a stewart's coffee is 1/2 Hazlenut, 1/2 French Vanilla, Half & Half, with the GOOD lid, and sipped through a red stirring straw. Sometimes it's good to be picky.

It's really nice to see some snow! Here's a view of the back yard at my mom's new house.
This is my mother Wendy relaxing at home.
This is my Aunt Mary's son, Liam. We had a great time playing trains together.
My grandparents had their kitchen completely remodeled which consisted of knocking out a wall. I couldn't believe I was in the same house. It looks like a kitchen out of a magazine.
Mom and Grandma in the kitchen. Grandma was making her famous beef stroganoff and strawberry shortcake. Thanks grandma, it was great!

Grandpa in the kitchen. Can't wait to hit the ice tomorrow and catch some dinner!
Here's the stroganoff.

Eating popcorn now and watching LOST. See you on the ice tomorrow!

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