
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Single Motherhood

While my husband is off brewing beer and visiting breweries, I am playing single mother of 2. I have to say for any single mother out there, I don't know how you do it. Thankfully we live with my parents and my mom has been "playing Ryan" all weekend. It is so hard because once one goes to sleep the other needs attention so it is really like you don't ever get a break. For those of you who know Eoin, you know that he is a VERY strong willed individual (a great quality in my opinion) which makes it twice as stressful. We are managing to make it though, but are counting down the days until Daddy gets home (7). So ok I admit it, I can't do it all myself. For those of you who have kids and either don't have a partner or have one but they work a lot or play a lot or whatever may be the case, I have a newfound respect for you. Everything is going well though, I make it sound worse than it really is, I am just being dramatic.

I found this video/song and love it!
I am reading this book right now and recommend it to everyone who has an interest in the food that they eat.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. Have you seen the documentary, Food Inc? If you like that book, I think you'd really like Food Inc. It gives you a good (and scary) look at the makings of America's food.

  2. Yes, that is such a great documentary. I think it is something everyone should see. It really makes you think twice when going to the grocery store.
