
Friday, February 5, 2010

First Blog Post Ever

Well, everyday I go on the computer to read several people's blogs. I know more about some people's lives who I have never met, than I do about some of my own family members. Pathetic I know. So I decided to create my own little blog, I shall call it my journal. I have always wanted to keep a journal of my daily happenings so that I can look back years from now and read about it. I have never done it. I really want to do it not only for me but for my children. There are so many times a week when I am asking myself  "was Eoin crawling at this age? What was that one dish that I made that one time and we loved it? Where did we go that one time and said we have to come back here?". All of those questions will be answered through this "journal". I may be the only one to read it but that is perfectly fine with me. For the slight chance that someone who doesn't know me is reading this I will introduce myslef and my family. My name is Tammie, I am 28 years old and I am currently a stay-at-home mama and when I eventually go back to work I will continue being a Registered Nurse. I grew up in South Florida and also was lucky enough to spend most of my summers at my grandparents house on Lake George in upstate NY which is where I met my husband Ryan. I have the greatest husband and father to my children in the whole wide world, his name is Ryan. We met during the summer of 2004 through friends in Ticonderoga where he grew up. We have kind of a funny story that I might tell sometime. I convinced Ry to move to Florida with me and since then he has been working at a bank and going to school full time. Our children are the most beautiful children I have ever seen. Sweet little Emmi just turned 6 months old and energized Eoin will be 5 in April. We currently live with my parents so that I am able to stay home with Em. It isn't so bad, yes we would love to have a house of our own (who wouldn't) but we get to live in a big house in a great neighborhood where we otherwise couldn't afford, and of course we love my parents. We love to get outside and explore pretty much every chance we get, and we believe that quality of life, nature, and love is very important not only for us but for Eo and Em as well. On my journal you will find our everyday happennings, recipes (I love cooking and eating), our weekend adventures and anything else that springs to mind.


  1. Good stuff Tam! I love reading this stuff! Plus it is easier then actually getting out a journal and writing in it!

  2. thanks for introducing me :(

  3. Thanks! I love doing it so far.
    Did I forget to introduce somebody?
